Privacy Policy
The Trustee for the Gilmour Medical Trust trading as Restoration Medicine, ABN 25857440013 (Restoration Medicine) takes patient privacy seriously. Privacy protection and confidentiality of health information is essential for quality health care and we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the information we handle about patients
This policy explains:
how we collect, store, use and disclose patient information;
how patients may access their personal information;
how we protect the quality and security patient information;
how patients may seek correction of any personal information we hold; and
how patients may make a complaint about our handling of your personal information.
In addition to our professional and ethical obligations, at a minimum, Restoration Medicine handles patient information in accordance with federal and state privacy law. This includes complying with the federal Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) forming part of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).
More information about the APPs can be found on the Australian Information Commissioner’s website .
Collection of information
Restoration Medicine collects and holds personal information about patients so that we may properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in our patient’s health care needs.
The type of personal information we collect may include:
personal details (name, address, date of birth, email address, phone numbers, Medicare number);
your medical history;
notes made during the course of a medical consultation;
referral to other health services providers;
results and reports received from other health service providers; and
credit card or direct debit information for billing purposes.
Health Information is deemed sensitive information for the purposes of privacy legislation. This means that generally patient consent will be sought to collect such health information that is necessary to make an accurate medical diagnosis, prescribe appropriate treatment and to be proactive in a patient’s health care.
Wherever practicable we will collect personal information from a patient personally – either at the practice, over the phone, via written correspondence or via internet if a patient transacts with us online.
In some instances we may need to collect information about patients from other sources such as referring doctors, treating specialists, pathology, radiology, hospitals or other health care providers.
In an emergency, we may collect information from a patient’s immediate family, friends or carers.
Use and disclosure
Personal information will only be used or disclosed for purposes directly related to providing a patient with quality health care, or in ways you would reasonably expect us to use it in order to provide a patient with this service.
This includes use or disclosure:
to the professional team directly involved in your health care, including treating doctors, pathology services, radiology services and other specialists outside this medical practice. For example, this may occur through referral to other doctors when requesting medical tests or in the report or result returned to us following the referrals;
to Restoration Medicine’s administrative staff for billing and other administrative tasks necessary to run our practice. Our staff are trained in the handling of personal information;
to your health insurance fund, Medicare or other organisations responsible for the financial aspects of your care;
where required by law, for example, pursuant to a subpoena;
to insurers or lawyers for the defense of a medical claim; and/or
to assist with training and education of other health care professionals.
Patient photographs are an important part of a patient’s medical record at Restoration Medicine. We will use your identifying/non identifying photos only with your written consent for the following purposes:
doctor and medical professional training,
printed and digital images (to show other clients before and after results)
published media and print (eg magazines and web page)
Restoration Medicine does not intend to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients.
Information Quality
We aim to ensure the information we hold about any patient is accurate, complete, up to date and relevant. To this end our staff may ask you to confirm that a patients personal details are correct when they attend a consultation. Please let us know if any of the information we hold about you is incorrect or not up to date.
Restoration Medicine takes all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information we hold, by:
securing our premises;
using passwords on all electronic systems and databases and varying access levels to protect electronic information from unauthorised interference, access, modification or disclosure; and
storing hard copy records in secure filing cabinets or rooms that are accessible only to Restoration Medicine’s staff.
Access to your personal information
Under law a patient has a right to access personal information we hold about them Please ask patients to send full details of their request to
Amendment of Patient information
If a patient considers the information we hold about them is not correct, they should contact Restoration Medicine in writing. Patients have the right to have any incorrect information corrected.
What happens if a patient chooses to withhold their personal information?
Patients are not obliged to give us their personal information. However, if they choose not to provide Restoration Medicine with the personal details requested, it may limit our ability to provide that patient with full service. We encourage patients to discuss their concerns with our reception staff prior to their first consultation with a doctor.
What about use of personal information for direct marketing?
Australian privacy law limits the use of personal information for direct marketing of goods and services. We do not use personal information for direct marketing.
What should a patient do if they a privacy complaint?
If a patient has a complaint regarding the way their personal information has been handled by Restoration Medicine, please ask them to put it in writing and address it to our General manager Manager at We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 14 days, and endeavor to provide a full response within 30 days of receipt.
Should you be dissatisfied with our response, you may lodge your written complaint with the Australian Information Commissioner, Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 or GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW, 1042. The Information Commissioner’s website is:
If a patient has a query regarding our Practice’s privacy policy, please ask them to contact our general manager who will be happy to discuss the matter with them.